The other day I stumbled upon this video which gives you a sort of crash course on the entire history of Japan in a humorous and entertaining way. Check it out:
Thanks Bill Wurtz for this awesome and hilarious video! I've seen it way more times than I care to admit. =)
I've always found Japan's name in Japanese to be very beautiful. Japan is commonly referred to as the "land of the rising sun".
In Kanji, Japan is written as: 日本 - にほん - "nihon"
Breaking the name down:
日 - に - "ni" - sun (in this case, but can also mean day)
本 - ほん - "hon" - source, origin (in this case, but can also mean book)
The sun plays an important role in Japanese mythology and religion as the Emperor is believed to be the direct descendent of the sun goddess Amaterasu. The name of the country as well as the design of their flag reflect the importance of the sun for the Japanese.
Kunyomi: ひ - "hi", -び - "-bi"
Onyomi: ニチ - "nichi", ジツ - "jitsu"
Meaning: sun, day
Jōyō Kanji taught in grade 1
JLPT level N5
1 of 2500 most common used kanji in newspapers.
Kunyomi: ひ - "hi", -び - "-bi"
Onyomi: ニチ - "nichi", ジツ - "jitsu"
Meaning: sun, day
Jōyō Kanji taught in grade 1
JLPT level N5
1 of 2500 most common used kanji in newspapers.
In Kanji, the common name for the Japanese flag is written as:
日の丸 - ひのまる - "hinomaru"
丸 - まる - "maru" - means circle (in this case, but can also mean correct)
A photo I took while on a hike in the mountains in the outskirts of Kyoto, Japan |
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