Kanji Character #10 - TANOSHII


"Playing Lecuona" movie poster
This is an unusual post today because it is not related to travel necessarily but I recently saw an incredible film that I feel the need to share.

Last Friday night I went to the Coral Gables Art Cinema here in Miami to see the film "Playing Lecuona".  If you are living in the Miami area and are of Cuban descent, or you appreciate good music, you must absolutely go check it out.

The movie follows pianists Chucho Valdés (son of Bebo Valdés, was also a well-known pianist), Michel Camilo, and Gonzalo Rubalcaba as they write their own interpretations of Ernesto Lecuona's masterpieces and preform them.  

 This film will be playing through this Thursday, July 7th, at the Coral Gables Art Cinema.  If you are not in Miami, check your local theater listings.

Who was Ernesto Lecuona?

Ernesto Lecuona was a Cuban pianist and composer who was famous worldwide for his incredible talent in songwriting and exceptional skill on the piano.  He is the author of more than 600 pieces and is often said that he was as influential in Latin American music as George Gershwin was in the United States.

The song that appears on the film that I loved the most was Gonzalo Rubalcaba's interpretation of Lecuona's "Andalucía", performed with the master Spanish guitarist Raimundo Amador.  It's so beautiful.  Check it out: 

Now for the Kanji!

Kunyomi:  たのしい - "tanoshii"
Onyomi: ガク - "gaku", ラク - "raku"
Meaning: music, comfort, ease

Jōyō Kanji taught in grade 2
JLPT level N4
373 of 2500 most common used kanji in newspapers.

Common Kun compound(s):
楽しい  たのしい - "tanoshii" - enjoyable, fun
楽しい思い たのしおもいで - "tanoshiimoiide" - happy (sweet) memory

Common On compound(s):
音楽 - オンガク - "ongaku" - music, musical movement


Kunyomi:  おと - "oto"
Onyomi: オン - "on", イン - "in"
Meaning: sound, noise

Jōyō Kanji taught in grade 1
JLPT level N4
491 of 2500 most common used kanji in newspapers.

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